#ptg scenario
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multiphandomunnies · 1 year ago
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accidentally seeing their gf naked
found out the wrong way social media au intros
found out the wrong way part one
found out the wrong way part two
found out the wrong way part three
found out the front way part four
s.o getting shy when they kiss
365 so stress
how cute
yeo one
too much effort
something special (*M*)
technology free
lovers night
give it a rest
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cyncialwoo · 1 year ago
can you make a reaction of pentagon if they gonna see their ex girlfriend after break up
a/n: Hihi! I know I said two weeks, but I've been balancing school and home life. I'm also re-reading this piece I wrote a while back and brainstorming for new things. Also, I've never written reactions before, so I hope you enjoy it. I'm sorry this is so late.
words: 2.2k >>Masterlist
He would be the type to avoid a meet-up.
It’s not like the relationship ended badly, but it’s for convenience. 
Jinho wouldn’t want to step on your feelings if there were any remaining
Honestly, for him, there was still something left over
He's delusional. Literally gaslighting himself to think he’s avoiding you for your sake.
The meet-up would be accidental like it was meant to happen. 
Jinho honestly hadn’t been out of his apartment in a few weeks. He had been having second thoughts about the entire breakup. Was it the best decision? He wasn’t sure. Although, the food had run out in his house, and takeout was expensive these days. 
He was walking through the isles bored when he saw a familiar figure. He didn’t see your face, but he didn’t have to. Something inside him wanted to approach you, but he didn’t. He couldn’t and he didn’t know why. He would rather die than go up to you. He stood there for minutes wondering whether to move past you or do a 180. 
He ended up just staring at you, taking in this moment of seeing you again. You were looking at some snacks on the shelf when you turned your head and looked over at him. He watched as the smile spread on your face, and how you waved at him. He reciprocated it, all without much thought. The moment flew by too fast for him because, in the next second, you were gone for the next item on your grocery list. 
Hui would most likely become obsessed with his work
Anything to distract himself 
Maybe he’d blow money for some serotonin
Anything to give him a quick whiff of some happiness 
He’s been writing songs like crazy and they're all sappy breakup songs
He doesn’t like any of them though 
He needs a break and a bad
Hui needed some time out of his studio which was now too stuffy for him. Just a simple walk would do for him. For what he meant for a short walk around the building, he ended up in a park nearby. He sat on a swing slowly rocking back and forth. His eyes were closed taking in the sound around him. It was quiet, barely anyone was around. Still, the sound of the wind and the trees slowly dancing to it making their sound, The casual cars driving by in the background. That was the serenity and peace he had been looking for this whole time. 
When he finally opened his eyes he noticed a familiar figure sitting at a bench. They were eating lunch alone with their head down. He didn’t have to see their face to know who it was. He smiled to himself, maybe this was the motivation and clarity he sought. 
He’d be more of the jealous type. 
He’s most likely the type to stalk a page 
He made a fake account just for you!
okay, maybe that’s not that charming. 
he regrets his decision though
he's sincere about that
Lately, Hongseok had been feeling like you were losing interest in him, or you were getting over this. With all that he still felt for you, he couldn’t let you. He still couldn’t let you go and needed something to drag you in with him. So, he devised a plan. He would “randomly” meet up with you. 
He got used to the schedule that you had, and have, so it wasn’t that hard to find you. He had crossed your path multiple times after the break-up, but neither of you had decided to go and talk to each other. He was too shy, and you wanted to get over him. It was better for you anyway, and sometimes seeing him just hurt.
Not this time when you saw him. You two had managed to get on the same bus. Although, you knew hongseok had a car and could drive. It made you wonder what happened to him after you two separated. You locked eyes with him, and he shared a smile with you. He took that as an invitation to come closer to you on the bus. He made small talk with you for most of the ride. Something about the whole experience felt like deja vu almost as if you had met him again, but in a new life.
He plays it off but he’s most definitely hurting 
He hangs around other people for a distraction 
He is not okay though
When he’s alone or at home he mostly pouts
Dont come about his mood though because he will snap
He also won't leave the house unless he has to
The guys have to make him come out, so they take him to an inside amusement park
They may spoil him a bit too much. 
It seemed like Shinwon was as good as new. He was smiling, laughing, and making his awful jokes. Honestly, Jinho and Hui kind of wished they left him at home. It seemed like this was the perfect thing to bring him back from being a literal human zombie.
They were walking around the theme park when he saw you giggling with your friends. You guys had rented school uniforms on. He was happy that you were happy though. The way you laughed or held your friend's hand. He didn’t notice how long he had been staring. 
He was sent back to reality when Jinho tapped him on the shoulder. “You ready to head out already?” Shinwon looked back at him just nodding. He didn’t know if Jinho knew if he was looking at you or not. Either way, nothing was mentioned on the way home.
He lives in a cafe. 
Or he visits it a lot
Either way, he wants to run into you
First, it was the old cafe you two used to visit
Then your favorite cafe
But nothing, he couldn’t
One day he gave up and just started to work part-time at a random cafe
He was working late nights due to his day job. He was enjoying working at a cafe. He loved the smell of coffee beans after all, and wouldn’t complain if he smelled like them all day. One thing was for sure though, he brought a lot of business to the cafe. 
Everyone went to the cafe to see the cute barista. He smiled with all of the new attention, but he wasn’t quite sure if he enjoyed it or not. Some part of him still hoped that one day you would walk into those doors. He convinced himself that all of the girls he turned down were for you. He was staying loyal to you. 
The only problem was that he only worked at the late-night, and it was not the most favorable time for a cup of coffee. 
One night while he was making one of his famous cups of coffee, he heard a familiar laugh. His head shot up, he had to see your face again. Although, he frowned as soon as he spotted you in the crowd. Your arm was locked around another guy’s laughing and leaning into him. 
He frowned and turned over to his coworker, “I'm taking my 15.”
The relationship was short
Surely not long enough for deep feelings
That's what he thought before he broke the news to you
But lately, he had been missing you
Denies it and tries to play it slick
I’m thinking this is like a college fling thing
So you guys could run into one another
Finals were coming up and Yanan was in the library with his head stuck in one of the textbooks. He had been there for hours, and he was starting to get hungry. He had a six-hour final that he was preparing for, and he could not flunk it. He searched in his bags to see if he had any snacks left over. Luckily he still had some, leaning back and eating it.
He took that time to scan his surroundings. He had been focused on his work for so long that he hadn’t noticed the amount of people that had come and gone. This time around he noticed you dozed off on a desk. Your head was lying on a textbook sleeping soundly. You looked so pretty to him. He went close to you and put your jacket over you.
He didn’t quite understand his actions or what possessed him to buy snacks for you. He smiled to himself as he wrote a note. He teased you about falling asleep in the library and how you should take better care of yourself. He didn’t sign the note, smirking. Maybe he could tease you more like this in the future.
He is already a quiet person, so I feel like he kept the relationship very private
Barely anyone knew that the two of you had broken up
The break up wasn’t on good terms
The two of you could not agree on something 
He hated arguments and everything that came with it
He also hated telling you when he disagreed with something because it would lead to even more arguments even if it didn’t have to be one
The two of you were petty anyways
He tried to avoid you, and the places you hung out frequently
Yuto was out with a large group of friends. It was unusual for him, but he was enjoying the extra company. They were at a large shopping mall, so it wasn’t an ideal place to be. He was quieter than usual. Maybe it was because he didn’t want to draw a lot of attention to himself. That was the reason. He wanted some quiet time but didn’t want to be alone. Maybe this was the best solution for him. 
He thought of himself over the relationship. Maybe he was being too harsh, but he thought if he heard that you died in a week or so he wouldn’t care. Okay, that was cruel of him, but he needed some way to distance himself. 
The sad part was, when he saw you at a store with another guy, his heart sank. He was mad that he still felt some type of way about it and about you. He was disappointed in himself, nonetheless, he played it off and went on with his day. 
I'm going with the cliche trope
He’s just a party guy to me 
And I think he’d go to parties to let off his cool. Especially if it was a harsh break-up 
I feel like he’d still be jealous and possessive after the relationship
If anyone would try to say something bad about you, he would get mad at them. 
He’s still sweet as ever, even if it ended on bad terms or not
Kino was at a party, like usual. He had a huge social circle. He was floating around the party talking to a lot of different people. He was feeling better tonight. He preferred to put himself out there when he didn’t feel up to it. Honestly, he was feeling a lot better. 
He did notice you when you walked in, it would be hard for him not to stare. He watched over you, still feeling protective. He knew a lot of the people at the party, some of them having a bad reputation. He would rather watch over you from a distance, not ready to face you. 
That didn’t matter when a random guy came up to you. He didn’t know him, but he could not stand the fact that another man was talking to you. He came up to you putting his arm over your shoulder casually.  “I forgot to ask you what drink you wanted.” Kino kept a sly smirk on his face. You looked a little upset and surprised to see him there, but he just brushed it off. It was fun to cock-block you.
I think he would be quieter about the breakup
He seems like he keeps more to himself 
But he’s generally sweet to everyone 
I think the motivation would be down
He wants to keep things on good terms, but that doesn’t mean friends. 
He’s not the type to text you after
Unless he needed something 
Wooseok had gathered up some motivation lately, after looking at how messy his life had been lately. He was picking his stuff up and putting things in their right places. During that, he found some items that were yours, and he noticed that some of his things had been missing. He frowned, he didn’t want to do any confronting, but he wanted his things back. There’s nothing wrong with that, right?
His hands were sweaty as he texted you. He simply stated that he had a few of your things and he thought that you had a few of his. It was simple and he tried to be as polite as possible. He was not trying to make anyone upset. 
After a few days you hadn’t answered his text, so he tried again. This time his tone was a little hasty, and when you responded, it was in an aggravated tone. He was confused. You didn’t want to meet with him and made that clear. He suggested mail, but that seemed to upset you as well. 
When he saw you later that week on the street, he said nothing. He did nothing. Any feelings that he had left over for you, were gone. Then he knew he could move on.
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adachicuto · 2 years ago
last date before wedding with ptg
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warning(s): food and wine mentions
↳ jinho: helping him with a cover of a song for youtube and it’d be a pretty romantic song maybe ed sheeran thinking out loud or john legend or maybe something else like eyes, nose, lips and you wouldn’t realize that he got you singing. i don't think he'd post it and just want to save it for the two of you to rewatch. it wouldn’t matter to him if you were an amazing singer or not, just being able to share that moment with you would be enough for him. so, it would probably become a tradition where you'd rewatch the cover for every wedding anniversary, and maybe you would cover more songs together each time as a little segment on his youtube channel and the members would text him and tease him about it every time lol
↳ hui: i get the feeling that he would bring you to a really nice yet underrated restaurant where smooth jazz is played and people are allowed to go onstage and perform a song. both of you would have the biggest smiles on your faces because the date would be reminiscent of your first one. you'd end the date off with really good wine and of course, hui would go onstage and sing (he'd claim it as practice for your big day) and would leave the audience stunned by his amazing vocals. on the drive home, his hand would never leave yours and he'd probably fidget with your engagement ring with a huge smile on his face.
↳ hongseok: your "date" would be so sweet and domestic because hongseok just gives me homey vibes. like, you'd both go to the grocery store to get ingredients for dinner and a dessert you both like. idk it would be the cutest thing and then you'd head back home and he'd start cooking while you worked on the dessert and you'd definitely catch him staring at you every few minutes with a goofy smile on his face and he'd wiggle his eyebrows playfully. you'd step away for a second to back-hug him and hongseok would smile to himself before he'd turn around to kiss you and he'd pull away to say something really cheesy but it would still put a smile on your face.
↳ yeo one: i think changgu would plan the cutest little picnic in the park for both of you. he'd pack some of your favorite foods and snacks and would even get you flowers or something. it would be the cutest thing and he'd take a flower and put it behind your ear and you'd do the same to him and then you'd go back and forth about who's the prettiest lol then the two of you would lie down and cloud gaze. idk i can see a really adorable dog running over to the two of you and it would really like changgu and it would be such a cute moment that would lead you to discuss the possibility of adopting a dog after the wedding. once the sun would start to settle below the horizon, you'd head home and would probably spend the rest of the day watching a show or movie.
↳ shinwon: both of you would agree on going to a spa and maybe a little shopping. i could definitely see him goofing around with you while in the sauna by making weird faces and telling you funny stories. then, he'd have you rest your head on his shoulder and he'd smile to himself. then, he'd tell you about how he was so nervous to propose to you. after a few minutes he'd realize that you weren't talking only to find you asleep. so, he'd make sure that you would be comfortable and would relax too. i think he'd love to spoil his s/o so he'd really enjoy going to the spa with you and it'd be a nice break from all of the wedding prep. on the way home, you'd both decide on ordering in bc neither of you would want to cook after being at the spa.
↳ yanan: he'd wake up extra early to get your favorite breakfast foods and coffee. when he'd make it back to your apartment he'd be met with you half asleep on the couch and would quickly put everything down to cuddle with you for a few minutes and then you'd eat breakfast together. afterward, the two of you would get ready to go and yanan wouldn't tell you but it would all make sense later. so, the two of you would go to multiple places throughout the city and you were thankful that they wouldn't be too far and at each stop, you and yanan would talk about what happened at each, like, one place was where he took you for your first date and another would be where you both said you loved each other for the first time. looking back on all of the memories would make both of your hearts feel so full.
↳ yuto: i think you'd go to an aquarium or botanical garden and it would be on a day when it wouldn't be so busy and the two of you could goof around and take funny pictures of each other imitating the animals. throughout the date, you'd both feel like little kids on a field trip again. both of you would stop every few minutes to stare at something you'd find interesting and the look on your faces at that moment would be so adorable and you'd have to capture the moments. after that, you would go get something to eat and then walk back to your apartment. on the walk, you'd both reminisce about how you met, your first date, and how he proposed to you.
↳ kino: i feel like hyunggu would go all out but it would still be a pretty laid-back date idk if that makes sense but he'd sign you up for a couples' dancing class where you'd learn how to tango and it would be so romantic and fun, even if you're not much of a dancer. after that, you'd go back home to shower and then he'd take you out to a really nice restaurant for dinner. the two of you would be so impressed with your meals but the highlight of your would be getting ice cream or your favorite dessert from your favorite place but then on your way back home it'd start raining and you'd have to wait it out inside a nearby cafe with steaming cups of tea. the whole situation would be pretty funny to both of you and it'd make for a nice moment to look back on.
↳ wooseok: being the youngest, i don't think he'd plan everything out and would just go with the flow. so, i think wooseok would also enjoy a night in with you as your date, especially if it would be a rainy day. he'd go and get your favorite snacks and drinks the day before and would surprise you with everything. the two of you would spend the day watching movies, playing video games, and just enjoying the calm before your wedding day. somehow, you'd end up talking about some of your embarrassing moments early on in your relationship and neither of you would be able to stop laughing and maybe you'd each go through your camera roll and it'd be a really cute moment for both of you.
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takorossi · 2 years ago
Pentagon as Pentagon Songs / Covers
(... that I associate them with, purely self-opinion)
hmmm "Someday - Song By JINHO, HUI"?
i feel like Jinho really slayed the vocals on that one you know
if it's not "Someday" then it would probably be "Round 2 - Bonus Track" because #jinhoWWEcommentator era
"Spring Snow"!!!!!! SPRING SNOW.
spring snow.
i loved how excited he was at wanting to perform "Spring Snow" for Road to Kingdom
and also the feels
would it be basic if i said "Shine"??? not if it's the truth ...
because come on, we all know why it's "Shine", what are you talking about if it's not "Shine"???
maybe "Happiness" because i felt like Hui in that M/V was pretty memorable
but also his line in "Organic song" (E'dawn, Yuto, Woo Seok With Hui), both in the original when Dawn performed it by himself in Pentagon Maker and also the released track
"Basquiat"?? VOCAL KING.
honestly the first thing that comes to mind is "Very Good - PENTAGON Version" (originally by Block B) from RTK
the chocolate abs left an impression
and also the "it's okay as long as he doesn't dance inappropriately afterwards" - an RTK staff member
"Dr. Bebe"
the chocolate back left an impression
"Sparkling Night" because his Oppa-ness really popped off there, ESPECIALLY in this Special Live Clip, wow that video really took me to heaven and back you know, i ascended
if i'm going for associated images seared into my brain, i would pick "DO or NOT" because #jokershinwon era and also "Feelin' Like" even though i know he doesn't like it because POOL SHINWON??? shinwon with GLOVES??? ma lord almighty,,,
if i'm going for music music, it would be "Daisy" because he does my favourite line in that entire song ("haengbokhaeya dwae") in that whisper/breathy tone, sorry i'm just simping at this point
but by that logic, i would also associate him with "Naughty Boy" because of the chicken lyric ... it really stuck
if i don't put "One Shot" here, am i really a Shinwon fan?
so "One Shot" because he wrote it
Yeo One
"Pretty Pretty", definitely
high school Yeo One.
nerd Yeo One era.
mushroom Yeo One era.
Yeo One with GLASSES.
also "Eat" (originally by Zion.T) because :( Pentagon Maker :( Yan An :( comfort chocolate :( ("saranghae ... yO")
Yeo One's verse in "Round 1 - Bonus Track", specifically the part where he goes "nappeun saram ... Yanan, Yanan, Yanan"
"Feelin' Like"
absolute massive badonkerhonker muscles.
but also "Daisy" because i really like the way he dances in it, feels floaty and nice
also "Eat", for the same reasons as Yeo One
also "Round 1", specifically the part where he goes "(ya geuraedo bang gachi sseuneunde) HWAJANGSHI!!!"
probably an unpopular opinion but "Shine" is one of them
his rap and the transition back to the group formation in their "Shine" stages left a sensation in my brain that i don't know how to explain
that one unique #notlikeothergirls "Yuto-da" in "Fantasystic"
those verses of Japanese rap in "Cerberus"? chef's kiss.
that low-toned Wooseok!mock-scream in "Round 2"
first of all, "Dr. Bebe", for less superficial reasons than Hongseok
like i really, and i mean REALLY love his entire persona in "Dr. Bebe"
from the stages to M/V, the facial expression and stature and makeup were EVERYTHING
in chinese, there's this thing we call 病态 (bìng tài), which directly translates to "state of being sickly" and it sounds kind of wack if you put it like that, but basically the way he embodied that psychological inner warfare in his dance and expressions was absolutely Oscar-worthy
"Daisy" because of his tattoo, and his florist dreams, and his dance, and that mafia dance variety thing they did
just. "Daisy". yeah.
i don't know if it's because of his unique rapping tone, but i associate him with a lot of Pentagon's songs
i mean he wrote and composed my absolute favourite Pentagon song, "BAD"
he also did "Nostalgia", which i like
his verse in "Sparkling Night"??? vocal Wooseok???
"Naughty Boy"??????????
okay that one because i hated his hair in it, i'm sorry Wooseok
but also i felt like he was so intrinsically linked with that song for some reason
it just screamed Wooseok to me
"The Magic Flute ("Der Hölle Rache" - Queen of the Night aria)"
i'm sorry that was just for the crack i swear
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jinkoh · 30 days ago
lie to me
hyunjae x gn!reader
wc: 0.4k, tags: angst, exbf!hyunjae who is still v much in love with you, late night phone call that leads nowhere, hurt/comfort, SFW
a/n: found this in my drabbles & since it's already there might as well post right?
listen to: 5 seconds of summer - lie to me
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Hyunjae knows how stupid all of this is. It's been months. But when he saw you at Hyunggu's party last week you looked so happy, smiling brightly as you sipped on your drink and now he can't get it out of his head. That smile used to be for him and he would have never gotten tired of how pretty it is, but at some point you stopped showing it to him. Or maybe he simply stopped being a reason for you to smile. He misses it, he misses you, so much it's slowly eating him up. That's why he is sitting on his bed again, phone in his hand, thumb hovering over the call button. All of this is so stupid, he knows, but he calls anyway. It feels like the dial tone is mocking him, laughing about him with every millisecond that passes. There is no way you would pick up, there is no way you could possibly want to talk to him—
He almost chokes on the sound of your voice, soft and tired.
“I saw you at Hyunggu’s party.”
“Yeah, I saw you there, too. We even said hello, remember?” You almost sound like you’re talking to a child, indulging him and his silly idea of having this conversation.
“Yes, yes, of course. It’s just—you looked really happy.”
“Mhm,” you hum, “it was fun.”
He takes a breath. He isn’t sure what else he should say or ask, doesn’t even know what his plan was when he decided to call in the first place. Maybe it was all just to hear your voice. 
“It’s late. I think I should probably get going,” you say after a silence that dragged on a little too long. Hyunjae doesn’t want you to, not yet.
"Do you love me?" He bites his tongue the moment the question is out.
"No, don't. Don't be honest. Just lie to me,” his voice is trembling, “please."
A pause. And then, "I do, I love you." He thinks he can hear the soft smile in your voice or maybe it’s just a projection of his memories. Either way, it sounds real to him and it hurts. He shouldn’t have asked you to lie and he wishes you hadn’t yielded to his request so easily. 
He lets out a bitter laugh. "Yeah, me too. I love you." Another moment of heavy silence. “Good night, y/n.”
“Yeah, good night, Hyunjae.”
He stays in the line for a moment longer, foolishly waiting if you’ll say anything else. But you don’t. It feels like the disconnect tone is mocking him.
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unifox · 2 years ago
PTG as Owl City Songs Pt.2
Part 2 is here!!! I'll repeat myself
IMPORTANT: This is purely out of my imagination, I do NOT know how the ptg members are and their true personalities. This is how I perceive them through the content they provide us on social media. Also, the songs interpretations were mine. They might not be what the artist intended but how I understood them.
None of the pictures are mine! Got them on Pinterest
happy reading! and maybe listening too ~Foxy🦊
Pt.1 | masterlist
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The Tip Of The Iceberg 
Cute, heartwarming and a bit fairy like, like Yanan. Like mentioned in other members, each song has its own unique traits just like the Pentagon members. Yanan and this song are no exception. Also, the title also fits the situation quite well, since the tip of the iceberg is always just a small part of the iceberg and theres a lot to discover under the water, and Yanan with his shy personality also has a lot hidden behind what he actually shows us. 2023 me - the songs also says how some actions are just the tip of the iceberg of things the protagonist would do to get back their loved one, and it also fits well with the relationship of universe and pentagon with Yanan. Even being away from him for so long, we’d do everything to see the boys together again.
Gold (2023)
Yanan is gold. The song tells about someone who is gold, someone who might not see their whole potential even though they are it. For the longest time as a Universe I saw Yanan being like this and slowly starting to become more confident as the years went by. Yanan! You’re gold, so shine forever! Also, CONGRATS ON 1st PLACE YANAN S2 YOU DESERVE IT
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Up All Night 
I really don't know but this song fits Yuto. Maybe is the beat that changes and shows many styles that reminds me of Yuto, of how he looks like something but acts as something else. The song is mysterious and beautiful and thats really Yuto. Its cute but serious and the guitar part... definitely something that fits Yuto. Also, just like Yu, this song has a special place in my heart. “I just can’t get you off my mind, now I’m gonna be up all night”
I'm coming after you (2023)
I’m not sure why 2020 me chose this song bc she didn't write anything, maybe it was the instrumental? I think the bass in the song gives off Yuto vibes. It’s a lightweight song that seems almost theatrical to me. “Woo woo woo- I’m coming after you” The siren sounds seem fun and something that cute and the rest of Mayonnaise would add to their songs haha
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Plant life 
Kino has a flower aesthetic so why not? The song is really artistic and that it would suit kino's style if he danced to this song, or even sang it. Both are gentle, creative and majestic, showing a really unique kind of power, that feels almost magical. The lyrics also has Kino's vibes to it. It’s full of metaphors and pretty sounds (I think it’s my favorite owl city song)
shooting star
Kino is a shooting star! Like the song, he seems like the type of person to encourage and support others whey they feel down or tired. Kino is comfort to others, someone really precious and kind. “So shine no matter where you are tonight”
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Dreams and Disasters 
The image this song makes me think of is always a young couple, careless and fun, driving in a road in the middle of nowhere. This free-spirited style remind me of maknae Wooseokie. The upbeat melody and free-spirited lyrics fit Wooseok who is young and seem adventurous. “I wanna feel alive forever after”
Strawberry Avalanche
I don't know exactly why, but i guess pink Wooseok fits this. Another fun and cute song that fits shy Wooseok. I have this image that Woo is a pretty cute and gentle 2m tall boy and the scenario created by this song would fit him well. 2023 me- The song sounds soft and childish and I feel like behind the serious aura and appearance that wooseok has, there is a gentle and dreamy person there.
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Good time
I don't really think I have to explain, but here I am anyways. Ptg is such a fun group. They are all very unique and display their individual charms throughout their journey. Every time we see them it's a good time, doesn't matter what they are doing. They turn the most normal things into something fun to look forward to.
I feel like this song talks about hope and, as cliche as it seems, pentagon simbolizes that to me. "When its all said and done, we'll shine like the sun so don't let the fire die." It simbolizes well the groups history and it works for their fans too, since seeing their journey Universe might feel inspired to just keep going too. It’s like Eternal Flame!
The Technicolor Phase
Support. Another word I think of when it comes to Pentagon. Thought the song you see how the lyrics say how they’re the support, how they are there to accompany wherever you are. “I am the green in the grass, That bends back from underneath your feet (...) I am the black in the book, The letters on the pages that you memorize” Pentagon and their songs are there for the fans whenever and wherever, it’s what keeps us entertained, hopeful, happy… you name it. 
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grazer-razor · 2 years ago
a troubling observation... about gustavo
greetings, ピザタワー fans. it is i, grazer-razor. we are all familiar with the lovable character known as gustavo. together with brick, he has starred in a whopping total of... two levels, but it’s the thought that counts.
recently, i had some thoughts. about something disturbing.
recently, i saw this image. it’s a birthday scenario game detailing a lot of monster girl species. i typically consider only animal-human hybrids to be MG’s, but there are exceptions, like slimegirls. this chart, however, lists all sorts of MG’s. have a look-
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notice numbers 15 and 17. they will be important.
now, you might be thinking, “but gustavo’s not really a gnome. yeah, he’s small and has a big nose, but he can’t possibly be a elf or dwarf...”.
and that is where i have to correct you, my amigo. PTG/McPig has said that gustavo IS a gnome, as stated in this video right here-
and if we want to get specific-
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so gustavo isn’t even a gnome, but a dwarf, meaning that his species is on that list of monster girls.
but at least gustavo isn’t a girl, right?!
well, unfortunately... gustavo may not be a girl, but his genderbent versions most certainly are.
presenting to you, gustavella.
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is this canon? no. does the MG rule affect every single genderbend of gustavo? GLOB YES...
my conclusion: gustavo’s female equivalent(or at least what could be considered his girlfriend) is a literal monster girl, according to this birthday game thing.
i bet McPig is screaming right now...
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gireportstory · 5 days ago
PTMEG 1800 and PTMEG 2000 Market Size,Volume,Revenue Trends Analysis Report 2025-2031
According to our (Global Info Research) latest study, the global PTMEG 1800 and PTMEG 2000 market size was valued at US$ 2414 million in 2024 and is forecast to a readjusted size of USD 1445 million by 2031 with a CAGR of -6.4% during review period. As the molecular weight of polytetrahydrofuran increases, the product strength increases. Products with an average molecular weight of 800-2000 are mainly used to produce spandex. This report is a detailed and comprehensive analysis for global PTMEG 1800 and PTMEG 2000 market. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses are presented by manufacturers, by region & country, by Type and by Application. As the market is constantly changing, this report explores the competition, supply and demand trends, as well as key factors that contribute to its changing demands across many markets. Company profiles and product examples of selected competitors, along with market share estimates of some of the selected leaders for the year 2025, are provided. "PTMEG 1800 and PTMEG 2000" 2025 Breakdown, Data Source, Secondary Sources, Primary Sources, Research Report delivers leading competitors strategic analysis, with micro and macro-economic factors, market trends, future growth scenarios, with pricing analysis. This report provides a holistic overview on Market Current Situations, Key Collaborations, Merger & Acquisitions along with Trending Innovations and New Business Development Policies. A detailed professional report focusing on primary and secondary growth drivers, regional segments, growth share, and geographical analysis of top key players. PTMEG 1800 and PTMEG 2000 trend analysis with historical data, estimates to 2025 and Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) forecast to 2031.
Top Key Players Covered in Market Report 2025-2031:BASF、The Lycra Company、Mitsubishi Chemical、Korea PTG、DCC、Formosa Asahi Spandex、Sanwei、Hyosung、Qingyun、Sinopec Great Wall Energy、Tianhua Fubang、Jianfeng、Shanxi Coal & Chemical
Short Description of the PTMEG 1800 and PTMEG 2000 2025-2031: Market Overview of Global PTMEG 1800 and PTMEG 2000: According to our latest research, the global PTMEG 1800 and PTMEG 2000 looks promising in the next 6 years. As of 2025, the global PTMEG 1800 and PTMEG 2000 was estimated at USD Million, and it’s anticipated to reach USD Million in 2031, with a CAGR during the forecast years. This report covers a research time span from 2020 to 2031, and presents a deep and comprehensive analysis of the global PTMEG 1800 and PTMEG 2000, with a systematical description of the status quo and trends of the whole market, a close look into the competitive landscape of the major players, and a detailed elaboration on segment markets by type, by application and by region. Global and Regional Analysis:     North America (United States, Canada and Mexico)     Europe (Germany, France, United Kingdom, Russia, Italy, and Rest of Europe)     Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Southeast Asia, and Australia)     South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, and Rest of South America)     Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, South Africa, and Rest of Middle East & Africa)
Market Segmentation PTMEG 1800 and PTMEG 2000 report provides an exhaustive 360-degree analysis, by utilizing both primary and secondary research techniques. The research gained comprehensive insights into current market dynamics, pricing trends, developments, supply-demand and evolving consumer behaviors.
On the basis of product type, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market Homogeneous Catalyst Methods、Heterogeneous Catalyst Methods
On the basis of the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, consumption (sales), market share and growth rate for each Spandex Fiber、PU Elastomer、Others
Our method for estimating market size is holistic and multifaceted. We assess vital industry trends, regulatory landscapes, and segment-specific dynamics, evaluating their potential influence on demand projections. Key macroeconomic factors, including price fluctuations, demographic shifts, and changes in demand patterns, are integrated into our calculations. To discover market value, we not only delve deep into the profiles of prominent players and their global market shares but also rely on our frequently updated internal database, enriched with insights and announcements from pivotal market stakeholders.
Some of the Key Questions Answered in this Report:
1. What is the PTMEG 1800 and PTMEG 2000 size at the regional and country level 2. What are the key drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges of the PTMEG 1800 and PTMEG 2000, and how they are expected to impact the market 3. What is the global (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East, and Africa) sales value, production value, consumption value, import and export of PTMEG 1800 and PTMEG 2000 4. Who are the global key manufacturers of the PTMEG 1800 and PTMEG 2000? How is their operating situation (capacity, production, sales, price, cost, gross, and revenue) 5. What are the PTMEG 1800 and PTMEG 2000 opportunities and threats faced by the vendors in the PTMEG 1800 and PTMEG 2000? 6. Which application/end-user or product type may seek incremental growth prospects? What is the market share of each type and application? 7. What focused approach and constraints are holding the PTMEG 1800 and PTMEG 2000? 8. What are the different sales, marketing, and distribution channels in the global industry? 9. What are the key market trends impacting the growth of the PTMEG 1800 and PTMEG 2000? 10. Economic Impact on the PTMEG 1800 and PTMEG 2000 and development trend of the PTMEG 1800 and PTMEG 2000 11. What are the PTMEG 1800 and PTMEG 2000 opportunities, market risk, and market overview of the PTMEG 1800 and PTMEG 2000
The content of the study subjects, includes a total of 15 chapters: Chapter 1, to describe Hydrogen Bromide product scope, market overview, market estimation caveats and base year. Chapter 2, to profile the top manufacturers of Hydrogen Bromide, with price, sales, revenue and global market share of Hydrogen Bromide from 2020 to 2025. Chapter 3, the Hydrogen Bromide competitive situation, sales quantity, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are analyzed emphatically by landscape contrast. Chapter 4, the Hydrogen Bromide breakdown data are shown at the regional level, to show the sales quantity, consumption value and growth by regions, from 2020 to 2031. Chapter 5 and 6, to segment the sales by Type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2020 to 2031. Chapter 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, to break the sales data at the country level, with sales quantity, consumption value and market share for key countries in the world, from 2020 to 2024.and PTMEG 1800 and PTMEG 2000 forecast, by regions, type and application, with sales and revenue, from 2026 to 2031. Chapter 12, market dynamics, drivers, restraints, trends and Porters Five Forces analysis. Chapter 13, the key raw materials and key suppliers, and industry chain of Hydrogen Bromide. Chapter 14 and 15, to describe Hydrogen Bromide sales channel, distributors, customers, research findings and conclusion. Global Info Research is a company that digs deep into global industry information to support enterprises with market strategies and in-depth market development analysis reports. We provides market information consulting services in the global region to support enterprise strategic planning and official information reporting, and focuses on customized research, management consulting, IPO consulting, industry chain research, database and top industry services. At the same time, Global Info Research is also a report publisher, a customer and an interest-based suppliers, and is trusted by more than 30,000 companies around the world. We will always carry out all aspects of our business with excellent expertise and experience.
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blizzardfluffykpop · 10 months ago
my brain just finally registered that it's early summer - and being a creature of habit, decided to get a few specific songs stuck in my head
(this time of year is always my favorite when it comes to releases for K-pop because the brighter happy vibe is the thing that I lean towards the most when it comes to the genre lol)
All of that being said, I currently have Touch My Body by Sistar, Red Flavor by Red Velvet, and Dance The Night Away by Twice, all stuck in my head right now 💞
Do you have any songs that are your favorite for summertime? And do you have any songs currently stuck in your head right now?
I hope that you have a great day and pretty please take care
It is early summer~ I tend to get specific songs stuck in my head during this time too! I'm a creature of habit too~ (I love this time of year for that! They always become brighter and happier this time of year and it's so refreshing! I hope there will be lots of cbs to enjoy with that exact vibe 🥰💖) [Below is me endlessly rambling on about all my favorite summer songs... I could go on... summer songs are elite esp in kpop]
I love those songs! They're so perfectly summer in my heart! A summer playlist wouldn't be complete without them! To start simply before diving fully in: Candy Sugar Pop by Astro is just an essential to me!
Here's a deeper dive :) of my favorites for summertime:
I've been innnnnnn loveeee with Let It Be Summer by Young K- it really makes me excited for summer as a whole right now! Newton, Tropical Night, and Livin' It Up by Monsta X, Naughty Boy and Shine by Pentagon (side note: ptg has soooo many summer bangers), Lip Gloss, and Passion Fruit by The Boyz (honestly this whole album: Christmas In August) as well as their recent title track Nectar. Even before I was into tbz I'd always listen to D.D.D and Thrill Ride- they're just so good for summer! Die For Love by B.I, Love Scenario by iKon, and ofc Really Really by Winner and Drawing The Line by Royal Pirates. But since Oh My! by Seventeen came out on my birthday when I turned 17- I must include it- Svt truly has many good summer songs esp off you make my day! I always listen to that cd in the summer~
Now I know it's supposed to be kpop songs I'm supposed to talk about it- but it wouldn't be summer for me without the beach boys! If Surfin' Safari, Little Deuce Coupe, and Fun, Fun, Fun are just my essential getting into the mood of summer songs- I grew up listening to them and even went to see & meet them as a kiddo- they're forever my summer sounds. But continuing on that train of thought: Hot Tonight by Tokyo Police Club, Let's Live for Today by The Grass Roots, Summer in the City by The Lovin' Spoonful! (Who i'm gonna see later this year~)! Would also be my nonkpop essential summer songs!
(I realize I could go on... I love summer kpop songs and summer songs in general sm... truly such bangers come out during the summer) I'll just make a playlist about this because I realized I only have two and they aren't happy summer pop- *they're titled* 'Beach Sadness' & 'They Won't Turn On The AC' and neither have a kpop song in sight 😔 I will be changing that- And I mean I have a sleeeewwwwww of songs I didn't mention :)
ANYWAYS: I made one~ Soda Summer Pop : of just my personal summer kpop hits :)
[Honorary mention to the cd that ended up getting messed up in the cd jack because it was so hot in the car three summers ago: Your Choice by Svt- you'll always have a special place in my heart for summertime tunes *I was thankful my friend bought me another for my birthday that year 😂🤭*]
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coffeeshoptalkks · 4 years ago
pentagon’s not shy cover
hello and welcome to another episode of me falling more in love with pentagon while doing unnecessarily long analyses
(and me loving mdr performances lmao)
no but seriously pentagon is one of my two ult groups and it shows in this lol
i apologize in advance because half of this is more about vocal placement and small personal habits than actual analysis, but when did that ever stop me lol
enjoy :)
timestamp 0:02
hongseok diverting to kino
so hui and jinho are in the military which means that hongseok is the oldest by a good year and a half
i could get into group dynamics for about an hour and a half but for the record, kino is the official leader of ptg until hui comes back
hes the second youngest which is v interesting because about 90% of the time the leader of a group is in the hyung line, or at least somewhere in the middle (namjoon)
as kino is now officially the leader (he was always the dance leader so its kinda natural) hes the one who usually starts the introduction, but hongseok did it this time
you can see him look at kino and kino nod as a kinda “yeah, you’re okay, go”
its a very interesting role reversal, especially since naturally, hongseok is less extroverted than kino, but korean age hierarchy now dictates that hongseok holds an innate place of power within the group
timestamp 0:18
yanan jamming, wooseok’s squak, and whatever yeo is doing lmao
i love and adore whenever yanan does something more flamboyant 
just because hes naturally pretty reserved and has seemed to really come into himself in the daisy and do or not eras
especially cause he took time off and just, v glad to have him back and he seems really happy
one of the funniest things (jinho? maybe hui?) has said was in a buzzfeed interview when asked about who can sing the highest and the answer was wooseok but that jinho’s was more “usable” 
this dolphin boy is breaking the treble clef with how high he’s going at the end of a lot of his phrases
idk what changgu is doing but he and hongseok in particular do this thing where they just kinda lose themselves in the music 
for yeo its more full immersement while hongseok’s is more just vibin
but changgu is just fully in the moment and you can tell
watch him throughout the performance, seriously, hes the one moving the most, throwing his body around, hes fully in the moment and enjoying performing
this is my note because i could write a dissertation on everything i love about changgu and his micro-movements and i want someone to get the same heartwrenching joy from watching him as i do lol
i’m serious 
spend an entire time watching changgu
unadulterated joy i’m telling you
for someone like me who is a chronic overanalyzer (case and point -.-) living completely in the moment is something very rare, and frankly foreign, but it makes me smile a little more to see him enjoying himself so much
and now i will try to stop staring at changgu 
i failed
timestamp 0:22 / 0:29
kino’s extra adlibs
it took me multiple listens and watches to realize what happened at 0:22 cause i didn’t hear/see it the first time. 
theres this little noise he makes and his mouth contorts. 
i really don’t know how to explain it lol
just adds a tiny bit more depth to all the rock, it shows innate musicality (obviously but anyway) and its just a nice little touch
the adlib is much more obvious, its literally him “owwwh!”
i am so sorry, i have no other way to explain it
you can actually hear him do this in a lot of their songs, he does it in their do or not performance also from mdr, happiness, a live radio performance of shine, and more obviously in the rock demo version thats on his soundcloud
most of the stuff kino does has a very recognizable signature (think the like this choreo) and this is one of those
timestamp 0:48 
shinwon’s bopping and hongseok’s uh swaying (?)
have you noticed the trend of really mundane and small things really doing something to me?
thats all i got
timestamp 1:00 - 1:19
the transitions between the vocal line
so something really interesting about pentagon is that each of their singers has incredibly distinct timbre and tone
frankly the entire group has super recognizable voices but for the sake of vocal line
welcome to a horrible explanation of trying to explain people’s voices using adjectives
jinho - his voice is so light. powerful, but light. he’s usually using his upper register and just has a super clean sound
he doesn’t have any excess sound or movement between notes
i would shy away from saying classical when it comes to training, its just a less traditionally pop (?) sounding voice 
hui - don’t get me started lol. legitimately one of if not my favorite voices in kpop. 
distinctly recognizable, almost nasal but in the best way possible 
freaking love his voice man
have u heard him live?
like this?
literally anything???
hongseok - if jinho has a less traditionally pop voice, hongseok takes the cake one this one. 
theres a very soft quality to hongseok’s voice. hes projecting, don’t get me wrong, his placement/voice is just naturally softer and breathier around the edges than someone like shinwon 
listen to the lovesick boys cover if you wanna know what i mean. the pre-chorus into 2nd chorus with yeo and hongseok is really distinct
shinwon -  he has such a solid voice? i just don’t know how else to describe it. 
the sound he produces comes from (in my experience) a vocal placement thats somewhere in the chest voice but producing sound as if you were singing in your head voice
very few idols sing like this, it takes a very specific voice because any movement too high or low will result in a voice crack or being flat. and man its loud when it happens lol
theres no hiding it (think that time live on the radio with his voice crack) 
love u bb lol
a singer has to be within their range (for me its about b-e) and control the amount of pressure they’re exerting for something to not go horribly wrong lol
san from ateez is another example of someone who does this
theres 0 vibrato in this, just solid sound
changgu - so the interesting thing about changgu’s voice is that the real beauty sometimes gets lost in studio recordings.
the best way to describe his voice is full 
theres a depth of tone (especially in his lower register) that is just so beautiful
basquait, runaway, 
yanan - talk about distinct voices lol
i already used soft for hongseok but yanans is both soft and very airy.
he naturally doesn’t project a ton, and up until recently his voice was more unstable than the other vocal line but his voice is so much stronger ever since he came back :)
kino - the interesting thing about kino’s voice is that it has this forceful but breathy quality to it
its more comparable to hongseok but hes more often using a lower (ish) register and projecting more forcefully
what was this supposed to be again? right lol
basically the entire vocal line sings within 10 seconds of each other and its this extremely interesting transition between different and very distinguishable voices
the entire sequence just shows the flexibility of pentagon and how all these different styles and tones somehow work together
timestamp 1:16 
shinwon finishes a note, spins, and then proceeds to meander for another 10 seconds
its so funny lmao
the rest of the group is largely normal and doing their own thing and then theres a wild shinwon wandering in the back as if a single turn messed up his internal gps
timestamp 1:21
wooseok’s “ptg”
so it was later figured out that they were not actually singing “itzy” like the captions said but “ptg”
wooseok does this several times but he puts his hand on his hip and kinda bounces?
its just a very odd position to be in while rapping lmao
timestamp 1:47
kang hyunggu get that tongue bAck in your mouth siR
timestamp 1:49
the zoomed out camera shot is literally a personality (video (?))
this is gonna sound insane but you can kinda guess a few personality traits of the members from a 3 second clip
okay we’re not counting wooseok cause hes rapping lol
the extroverts are literally moving more lol
hongseok, yanan, and yuto all have less animated movements than shinwon, kino, and changgu
even yuto who does move a little more turns his back to the camera, which, like, do ur personality/body language analysis on that lol
not saying they’re always like that but its hilarious to me that their movements are so indicative of their (shown/well known) personalities in this super quick clip
timestamp 1:51
yanan doing the robot (?)
its just so nice to see him comfortable and happy
also the wiggle at the very end is heart wrenchingly cute
timestamp 2:03
wooseok and the rest bouncing
i mentioned in an onf analysis that a lot of musicians tap their foot to the beat
wooseoks doing the same thing here
and the rest of the group is kind of doing a similar thing lol
stan talented and musical boys thats all im gonna say 
timestamp 2:07
shinwon in orange sunglasses and holding his mic
i’ll save you my long ass dissection of how idols hold their mics and how i wanna figure out patterns in that but 
*laughs nervously*
shinwon looks so freaking good in that outfit and idk, the sunglasses, the upwards tilting mic, it just works ya know?
timestamp 2:15 - 2:19
kino’s *come and get it* and yeo’s aggressive walking (?)
i was so attacked
i’ve been attacked this entire damn performance but something about this part right here gets me 
every damn time
timestamp 2:22 / 2:30
yuto’s not shy
you can hear it come through so nicely 
his low tone is such a nice contrast to the brighter tones coming from the band
you hear it again at 2:30
theres just something i find so beautiful about lower register softness from singers
its probably the overemphasis on tenors in the kpop industry (baritones like jaehyun are few and far between) but even in rap, its just so refreshing to hear
timestamp 2:26
kino’s kick on the beat
welcome to me overanalyzing microgestures part ten thousand
whoops :)
the really interesting thing about kino is that not only is he a phenomenal dancer, but hes an amazing performer (and everyone knows it)
you can be an incredible dancer but not a great performer and vice versa
but when you get both qualities in the same individual 
one of the things that kino does soooooooo well is engaging during the entire performance
its things like the little kick, his mannerisms while the others are singing, its what takes a performance over the top
timestamp 2:27
shinwon aggressively bopping
hes so in tune with the music i love it :(
he just looks like hes having the time of his life
and at the end of the day isn’t that what music is about?
its fun to watch people have fun performing
its fun to hear music that you love
also at 2:35 you can see him shaking his fingers and its so fucking cute lol
timestamp 2:30
literally just kinos smile
its so beautiful and makes me so happy :)
timestamp 2:40
pitstop for changgu and hyunggu voice appreciation
please go listen to live performances (eternal flame holiday edition is also a good one)
i know i talked about it earlier but holy hell
changgus voice gets to me in ways that it shouldnt lol
you can feel the emotion coming through
but in a very subtle way
and then kino following with rasp?
you can actually see kino pull at his collar and flex his neck right before he sings just because sometimes before you sing a straining note you just gotta move the neck muscles around a little bit lol
timestamp 2:51 
whatever the hell yuto is doing
tbh it kinda reminds me of that sloth move junhee (a.c.e.) did during a costume relay thing but it gives me big embarrassing dad energy
in the best way possible i promise lol
hes like an embarrassingly proud dad at a baseball game and im here for it
timestamp 2:57
hongseoks high note
i want my emotional support kpop boy (hui lol) back as much as the next person but what has come out of him and jinho being in the military is hongseok getting to shine
if the two oldest were there hongseok wouldn’t have taken that high note just because (if i’m not mistaken) he officially became a main vocal after jinho joined the military) 
not that i give much weight to roles but hongseok worked so freaking hard to improve his vocals to take up the mantle of jinho and hui
i don’t remember where i heard/read this but hongseok said something along the lines of focusing on his singing and improving because there were people much better suited to a leadership (kino) and production (wooseok) role
first off i find it so admirable that hes humble and self-assured enough to openly talk about what he perceives to be his strengths and weaknesses
idk it shows a level of maturity and humility that i find beautiful
its really just nice to hear him showcase his voice in a way that he didn’t have many opportunities to before
timestamp 3:03 / 3:07
changgu’s adlibs
once again, just
theres a comment somewhere saying something along the lines of *don’t you love when changgu sings so passionately that he bends himself in half
and yes
also the growl / grit
i am deceased
timestamp 3:29
the ending poses/lights
theres something about mdr lighting that i fking adore
idk its very bright and welcoming
but anyway
they sing the last “not shy not me” and then everyone (except yuto lol) lowers their hand and its v satisfying to watch
because there was a surprise happy birthday afterwards the camera kept rolling when the lights dim down
i just find it sooo satisfying to watch as the light fades and all the members start to decompress (?)
just start to get out of performance mode and adjust everything
just a little peek into what goes on behind the scenes 
honorable mention 
changgu at 1:20
don’t break your eardrums for this but he comes in during the second not shy and you can hear just the tad bit more depth he brings when he jumps in
its vocal layering but it just shows how integral every part of the vocals and performance are
every tiny thing can add something to a performance and it makes me giddy to find tiny new things in something that you’ve seen before
i thought it was kino just because he didn’t sing during the first one but that incredibly subtle sound only comes from changgu
you’re just gonna have to listen lmao 
(i killed my eardrums trying to figure out who it was and i have no regrets)
ur welcome for this being like 3 months after the first 
oh whale
i didn’t proofread this lmao
fin :)
i hope ur day was okay this time @rutosruru 
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smitten--kitten · 5 years ago
PENTAGON Out of Context:
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Yeo One:
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Bonus Bonus:
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Bonus Bonus Bonus:
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Bonus Bonus Bonus Bonus:
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hiddenclawsof · 5 years ago
That Damned Goofy Smile
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Characters: wooseok, hyunggu, shinwon
Summary: there is just that one damned goofy smile that gets you all the time.
Word count: 5,400+
Warnings: none
i can see very little amount of PTG drabbles in tumblr that's why I decided to create one.
a/n: just a little disclaimerー i believe that high school in korea is a little bit late unlike other country so their ages here are around 19-20 already, but you know, if i believed wrong, just remember that they're 19-20 already thanks ☆
i also called kino here both his names, so i am sorry for the confusion ☆
You never really thought about the situation both you and Kino had for at least 2 years because it went great, to be awfully honest, everything was just great.
How you two met, how you two got close, how you and his friends got close, get in the same passionー dancing. Everything just went great, except for one thing.
Thinking about how great your friendship was with the man, you almost forgot how painful it was to wake up every single day and look at his face on the corner of the room, staring at another girl.
It has been a cycle and it's not like it bothered you that much anymore and that's what you always thought, until a tall figure bugged you for how gruesome you look at the girl Kino has been staring at, "Hey, y/n, you know if you just told Hyunggu what you really feel then maybe you could save some holes you were boring on Minah," Wooseok nudged his elbow on your waist and almost laughed at your annoyed look but stopped when you met his eyes with yours.
Wooseok can see the loneliness and pain in your eyes. It doesn't take a genius to figure those out, and it doesn't take a clueless Kino to feel something for you the way you did with Kino.
You first met Kino when you were having an audition on a dance club back in your first year in high school. You were new in the city and have no friends, you're basically nothing, and it didn't bother you because all you ever wanted to do was to be able to speak in English, dance until your legs give up on you and ace those academic grades because you wanted to go abroad and enroll in a medical school. Nothing much, right?
You were not nervous at all, when the first beat of the music came into your ears and everyone's eyes gazed on you, none of those made you feel slimy, none except a smile from a certain boy sitting on the right side of the room. He seemed unbothered when you fixed your eyes on him while you danced, he's even nodding to the beat and give adorable reactions to your dance moves, and maybe then, you thought, high school in a new place was fun.
When you finished, only that man clapped for you. He's had his smile so wide that it physically hurts you because of how cute they were and gave you the thumbs up that you were longing from the coach.
You wanted to talk to him, but instead of talking to him, you formed your lips to a straight line and nodded at him. You were sure that the encounter would be nothing but a mere coincidence.
Eventually, you received a call from the coach, you gathered your things from the locker, changed into a pair of dance clothes and ran towards the practice room that's on the other side of your wide campus. You didn't pay any attention to your surroundings. You'd rather have students go frenzy at you than have your coach create a havoc on your tardiness, but as always, that man was an exception to your principles.
After seeing you run like a madman, he bid farewell to his friends, Wooseok who looked at you really well and Shinwon who's just bored to be honest, and ran to reach you and your pace. He has his goofy smile on his face and calming eyes that looked at you the way no other guy would look at you before. It shouldn't bother you, really, but it did.
Trying to catch your breath, you slightly turned your head at him whilst running, "You were accepted too?"
You breathily asked him which earned you a chuckle, "Of course," like he was stating the obvious, "I'm Kino," he introduced with the goofy smile still plastered on his face. He reached at your hand and turned your body to look at his that made you stop on your tracks. He held your right hand to his hand and shook it, "The leader of the dance group."
With that said, your eyes widened, so much, that it made him chuckle for the nth time around. Returning your warm hand to your side, he began to run towards the practice room and leave you hanging, watching his back slowly moving away from you, "Welcome to the group y/n!"
You became friends, especially because you're one of the few people that actually impresses him when it comes to dancing. He's the one who bugged the coach to accept you and he's the one who everyone in the campus knows, but you. If you knew who he is and what he actually is, you wouldn't really have those warm feelings the moment you two have encountered, but fate spared you no chance, it made you and Kino close to each other. Really close.
"So, like, are you two together now?" Shinwon lazily asked Kino and pointed at you two while munching on a convenience store burger that according to him tastes like crap.
You choked on your water and looked pleadingly at Wooseok who instantly brought his hand to your back and pat it. You wanted to hear Kino's answer so bad, so bad that it makes you want to puke when he responded, "No, we're really good friends, besides I really like Seungyeon," and shook his shoulders.
It didn't hurt you, but it did hurt Wooseok and none of you knew.
It already has been a routine for you and Kino and his friends to sit together for every breaktime you had because Kino really wanted you to have a company and he really likes your vibe. You're a good friend to him and a great dance partner, so why wouldn't he want his friends, and of course him, to be with you?
You were already with them for about half a year now and indeed, it earned a lot of bashful look from his and his friends' fangirls, but it only took a glance from Wooseok for them to get off you.
With a soft voice, Wooseok turned to you after looking at the girls who' were trying to bully you, "Hey, are you okay? Why didn't you tell us that you were bothered by them?"
"Well, first, I am not bothered. They were just trying to mess up with me because I was close with you three. Second, what can they do to me? Pull my hair? Rip my clothes? There's nothing that scares me, Wooseok," you replied to Wooseok and sign your hands with an OK to make Wooseok stop worrying about your little figure. What you said were real, it's not like they were trying to do something to you. They were just menacingly talking loudly asking how a dirty woman like you is with their oppas or whatever.
Wooseok who's clearly not satisfied, took your books from your arms and ushered you to go towards where you were supposed to go. He didn't look at you, but with a low, soft voice, he made sure to let you hear what he's about to say, "but I am scared of them hurting you," which made you stop your tracks and looked confusingly at his back.
What the hell? You asked yourself.
It was 3 in the morning and your cell phone was ringing and it is not funny for you because you were really tired from your practice last night.
Making sure to scold the person on the other line, you took your phone and answered it without reading whose call it was from.
"For the love of God, if this is not important, I am gonー"
Much to your surprise, Kino's voice rang on the other line of the call, "you're gonna what, y/n?"
Instantly, your half-asleep eyes went to a full-awake mode by now and stared at the digital clock that's blinking the numbers 3:07 in the morning.
"What happened? It's late, Kino."
"I know and I am sorry if I called this late especially now that you're really tired, but can you please open your window and looked down because I'm kind of freezing and I don't want to wake your brother up, he might beat me up," Kino said with a short chuckle.
You got up and ran towards your window and looked down at the balcony to see Kino who's looking at you with his sad eyes.
You got your phone back to your ear, you were about to ask him why he's still wearing his dance clothes, but instead, you listened to his soft sobs that were not able to stay behind his throat.
"She dumped me."
You curled your brows together and questioned yourself, Seungyeon and him was a thing?
Shinwon just sighed at the figure of his now three friends. One of them, you, was just staring at her untouched sandwich, another, Wooseok, was staring at you staring at your sandwich and the other was staring at a distance, looking for a woman, who was once his, now got to be another man's girl.
He knew that Kino purposely didn't tell you about his lovey dovey with Seungyeon, and that Wooseok was really trying his best to protect you from the fangirls. He knew every side glance Wooseok will make to see you doing different sort of things, he knew that Kino, too, will side glance at you just to see at your reaction whenever he made a joke. He can see everything, he's not that blind like what you three ought him to be.
And now that it came to this, he needed to step down his shoes in between you three.
"Now, now, I will talk to you three one by one, no buts and what so freaking ever, I can see you three having issues," Shinwon said as he slammed his hands onto the table in front of you three. Yes. Infront.
You three are always sitting beside each other with you in the middle, and if that doesn't speak a lot to any of you three, it certainly does to him.
"Come on now, kids."
You were the first one to be dragged by Shinwon to the corner of the canteen. He made sure to be out of sight of the other two idiots and he made sure that you four had a long break time to actually do this counseling thing he's about to do.
He planned this, trust him.
Shinwon just flicked your forehead and threw you a disgusted look, "Seriously, you went into our group just to destroy the two?"
You didn't understand what he meant with that. You just stared at Shinwon's face, waiting for his next sermon, which he did.
"We were okay y/n before you came, and now you're gonna show up to our faces, bring Kino into your trap and have Wooseok protect you like a weakling, missy? And no, I am not being mean, I like you as our friend, really, but you're justー" Shinwon spit fires after fires, and threw his hand on his hair, ripping it out of frustration, "AAAAAH, you're so clueless dude, I hate you."
This was his way. He never really wanted to be so nice at this counselling thing with you three, he wanted you and the other two to know the reality and not some covered up lies. He needed you to know that you are being kids.
You stood there motionlessly, blinking at your surprise at Shinwon's throw of fit or anger, you can't distinguish and just really looked at him talk so much.
"I do think you're great, dude, you dance like Kino, you ace your acads and I am not loving that and you're fun to be with, but why do you have to fool yourself and believe that it doesn't hurt you when it definitely should?" Shinwon flicked your forehead for the second time, this time was a little bit harder than the earlier.
With an annoyed face you spat at Shinwon, "Do you know what hurts, huh?! You flicking my foreheadー"
"Knowing that Kino chose Seungyeon and not you, y/n, that's what's hurting you right now," Shinwon interrupted you with an almost inaudible voice. He wanted you to listen to him, carefully, like the voice talking to you inside your head, and he was successful.
You looked down and didn't want to bring your face to look at Shinwon's honest eyes, "no," you mumbled, "no, Shin, no" you mumbled again.
You didn't want to admit that.
But when you heard Kino's sob against your ear, you ran to your front door immediately and rushed to his spot only to embrace him.
You always knew that you and him has a special bond and when it clenched your chest hard that night, you thought it was just the bond.
But Shinwon's right,
"It shouldn't hurt this much, Shin."
Kino talked nonstop about what you and Shinwon might be talking about, how he's not a good friend to you, not noticing that you're just as broken as he is and that he didn't know the reason. He's really disappointed of himself.
But Wooseok, who just watched you and didn't answer any of Kino's questions, looked at you with worry when you went back to the table with Shinwon on your front. Desperately trying to hide your crying face.
Wooseok wanted to get closer to you and embrace you because it didn't feel great to see you cry.
Whoever the reason may be.
"You big child, come with me or I'll destroy your games," Shinwon looked sharply at Wooseok when you sat down having your face low.
Still not able to look at Kino's eyes who's looking for yours and Wooseok's eyes who's trying to see your puffy eyes and face, you sighed and made sure to never say anything else.
Wooseok was then pulled by Shinwon, knowing that the younger will not budge from where he's standing, he had to take extreme measures.
When they got to Shinwon's office as he may say, Wooseok just wanted this to end fast and talk to you that's why he asked his hyung as fast as he could, "what's with this hyung, please do it faster, she's crying, she needs me—" Wooseok stopped when a hand went up at his face.
"No, she doesn't need you at all, you fool."
Shinwon didn't have to wait for any response from the young one.
"You're no second leading man, you should be the main. Why settle for the second one? Girls are lining up for you, bro, they're just as pretty as y/n, why not just go with them?"
Shinwon wasted no time fooling around with Wooseok because he knew that Wooseok is the sanest one out of the three. In par of being sane is him being an idiot.
Wooseok didn't have to think hard because the answer will always be, "because they're not y/n, hyung."
"And you're not Hyunggu either."
He knew all of that, he didn't need Shinwon to tell him that. He knew that he can be with any other girl right now who's just as hot, but he's not looking for someone who's hot, he's looking for you. Waiting for you.
Because somewhere in this life, he wishes to become that Hyunggu to you.
Because if he can be that Hyunggu to you, then he'll become the Wooseok you never saw him to be.
Kino tried his best to get you to talk to him, but to no avail, you just looked down with your hands hiding your true feelings for him. You can't let him see you like this, nor you'd like to see him right now.
"Hey, please talk to me," Kino pleaded, having his hand on your shaking shoulder, "I don't want to see you crying, y/n," he poked your skin once, twice, thrice and when he almost got to the fourth time, a large hand took his finger and get it away from your skin.
"Just leave her alone, Hyunggu," Wooseok's deep voice alarmed Kino more than his real name should and that's when Shinwon demanded Kino to follow him.
While Kino tried to whine on Shinwon and Shinwon didn't want any kind of bullshit Kino has to offer now that he's tired of talking to his idiot friends, he threatened Kino with just a sentence that made Kino stood up from his chair.
"No Hyunggu, you'll follow me because I am sure that if you won't, you'll regret it."
Hearing his real name from Shinwon meant a lot to him. Shinwon always calls him by Kino and when he messes up, real good, Shinwon would start to call him by Hyunggu, and when that happens, shit's about to get real. That was why he followed Shinwon to wherever he brings them and faced him with enough respect.
"I am not going to play with you Hyunggu, get your shit together or else she'll leave you," Shinwon was straightforward, too straightforward to Kino's liking.
"What?" Kino replied with a slight shock.
"I am not joking. Cry over a spilled milk, for all I care, Hyunggu, but never cry for the wrong milk," Shinwon grinned to himself for a while and brought back his serious face, "and right now, you are."
This time, Shinwon didn't wait for the younger to walk out of the scene, rather, he's the one who did, well he felt cool after saying that metaphor and walking out is an another level of coolness to him. Kino loved playing with words because he loves books, he likes to read and make songs. He's very expressive that's why he's such a sweetheart to everyone's eyes.
But that sweetheart can be a bit of an asshole sometimes, and right now, he is, to you, that is why Shinwon will take extreme measures like what he said.
Kino followed him silently to the table and see Wooseok hugging your figure.
He wasn't able to understand the metaphor Shinwon told him, but when he saw you being hugged by an another strong frame such as Wooseok, he now understood what his hyung meant then.
And truthfully, that sucks.
Kino soon moved on from his heartbreak from Seungyeon to having a tiny bit of crush with Jungha. A transferee and a new member of his dance club.
Jungha is somehow your acquaintance. She literally follows you everywhere, even if you and Kino are practicing your routine, she's still there, looking and just watching, maybe you or maybe Kino, who knows.
The air between you and Kino returned to normal, but you felt like he was trying to limit it. Not that you can complain, nor you should complain at all, but right after your talk with Shinwon, you've realized that everything was just a puppy crush. For you it hurts that bad because he didn't tell you and that he's your close friend, and you don't know, maybe that's it.
Wooseok and you have gotten much closer than before, it sometimes makes you wonder if Kino was actually the reason you got to know the other two, when he should've been the closest person to you now—
"Hey lady, you should hold on to my neck or else you'll fall, I am not as strong as you think I am," Kino softly complained, trailing you out of your thoughts.
You looked at the mirror and saw your position with Kino, more than that, you saw Jungha's eyes, hovering the two of you, and yes, it didn't feel comfortable at all.
But maybe to Kino, it was.
Kino released his arms on you and turned to your new acquaintance, "Hey Jungha, do you wanna grab some food later?" He asked with a goofy smile.
And when you saw that smile and heard him say that, again, it shouldn't, but it did hurt you, so much that all you could do was walk to your bag and drag it outside.
One day, Kino brought his now girlfriend, Jungha to your table and introduced her to the other two. With Wooseok beside you and Shinwon in front of Kino, all three of you sighed, at the same time and Kino still wasn't able to notice that.
Shinwon just looked at you and Wooseok, he knew that what he did before, stepping inside of your messes, was the right thing, but what he didn't knew was that there was a miscalculation to that counselling.
He shouldn't have let Kino see Wooseok hugging you that day, because that created this, and he's not living for it.
"Ya! You were going to treat me some ice cream, remember?" Wooseok nudged on you and took the ice cream you were holding to lick a good amount of it, which you instantly yanked from him and protected like it was a treasure, "this. is. mine. go to hell Wooseok," you said and stuck your tongue out at him.
Little did you know, it was not just Shinwon who was watching you and Wooseok banter, Kino was, too.
And you were oblivious of that.
It took Kino and Jungha 5 months to break up, and a moment for you to soften you heart once again when you see an another Kino standing in front of your front door. You were supposed to go get some food on a convenience store but forget the rest of your agenda in just a second.
That's just Kino's effect on you.
"Really, I am never going to love someone again," Kino said with a sigh and welcomed himself in your house.
Lucky for him, your brother was having a date, therefore, Kino will not be banished outside like before.
Because it's 11 o'clock in the evening.
You followed Kino to your bedroom and watched him roll over your bed like it was his, "Hyunggu, I would appreciate it if you stopped doing that," you said while pointing at him.
He turned around to look at you.
He didn't cry, he didn't want to. It's not like what he and Jungha had was something real. For him, none of it was.
He just wanted to move on, like how you did with him. He just wanted a Wooseok like you, that was why he had a Jungha.
And yes, he knew he was being an asshole, not just to you and Jungha, but to himself. But when he saw you and Wooseok hugging that day, God knows how much it killed him, seeing you being embraced by an another man, which was his friend nevertheless, made him insane.
But you were happy.
And who the hell is he to stop you from being happy?
"You know what, y/n, come here," Kino pat the side of the bed for you to come and join him. Of course, you did.
He didn't bother wasting a second more when you laid your ass on the mattress and hugged you, just like before, but now, it was slightly different.
And you couldn't pinpoint what was the difference.
But you felt him wanting to say something to you.
"I appreciate you, y/n, so bad, and I think I'm going crazy."
"Pleaseー" he said kissing your hair, "choose me."
Which he did say, but it is something of which you didn't hear.
Shinwon literally had his hand on his forehead right now because not only that you look dead, sprawled out on your bed, but also you let your brother open the door for him which made your brother watch him earnestly.
"For Pete's sake y/n! Clean your mess. Just because we don't have school now does it mean you can live your ass this dirty!" Shinwon yelled at you while picking up bags of chips that were opened and a lot of soda cans.
"I don't want to do this anymore, Shin, I'm tired," you said with a lazy voice.
Of course you were tired, Shinwon could see how the three of you misunderstood what he said before, and maybe if you listened to him before, the way that you should have, then you won't be spending your time with him right now and be with Hyunggu instead.
But all of you didn't.
"I am, too, of you three's bullshits, stop making me fetch your asses when you're broken."
"Hey! I fetch Hyunggu's, you don't fetch hisー"
"Missy, that's what you think."
Kino didn't want to open up to Shinwon, but he's really lost. If Shinwon could make him realize his feelings for you, then maybe he could push it away too?
It was not Shinwon's job, but rather Kino's and Wooseok's job that was why before he came to your place, he made sure to make the two talk to each other and sort their feelings. He can't alter anyone's fate, he has problems of his own, okay?
Wooseok really did make you conscious of what you were doing. He's trying to be the best man anyone could have had to Hyunggu, not because he gave up on you, but because he genuinely loves you and Hyunggu, to the point of losing you would still make him happy if it will make the two of you happy.
He tried his best to force you to tell Hyunggu your feelings because there's nothing to lose.
And even if Hyunggu told him to go for you, he still wouldn't, because you like Hyunggu, and not him. Though it hurts, he can see how your eyes would light up when talking to Hyunggu, how your smile would become extra attractive when you're doing it unconsciously to Hyunggu, and all of that was for Hyunggu and never for him.
He knew that he always had a special place in you. You may have had the best friendship ever with your main, Hyunggu, but as your second man, he was the best and even you couldn't deny that. And even if you never thought of him as someone who'd do anything for you, it's fine.
He's fine with you not knowing anything about his feelings, he's fine with you just being there. Not going forward nor moving backwards. Just stay.
He's fine protecting you, following you like a shadow of Hyunggu. He's fine, he'll be fine, until he is not.
"This is the third time around Seokie," when you said that name to him, he's literally melting, to him, that's what matters.
"He'll come by my house again and cry when Minah dumps him."
Wooseok bit his tongue before answering you and turned his head at the professor walking to the table, "Then be the reason for him to stop the cries."
And only God or Shinwon knows how hard it was for him to say that.
To your surprise, you see Hyunggu laughing with your brother, waiting for you to come home from your weekly ice cream date with Wooseok.
Was he dumped again? Your mind urged you to ask him that instant.
Your brother perked up his head at you and left the two of you alone, just staring at each other until Hyunggu broke the tension, "fancy seeing you in your home, eh?"
You stared at him in disbelief from his attempt to be funny, still waiting for his monologue of 'i'm dumped', but he never did.
He just took your hand and brought you to the door of your room.
Confusion struck your mind and without thinking twice, you almost smacked Hyunggu's head but he caught it with his other hand, and with a goofy smile, he assured you, "I know that you're really tired this day, but, can you spend the rest of the day with me?"
You didn't mean to blush, nor get your hopes high up, but that damned goofy smile really gets to you whenever and wherever.
"What are we going to do?"
"You'll see, lady."
He pushed his hand on the door of your room and revealed your decorated room with fairy lights, roses and pictures of you and Kino together.
You stood there, not knowing what to react nor what to say. You were expecting him to complain about Minah, but this was not what you were expecting at all. Like he was hearing your mind, he released a hold of your hand and stand in the center of your room.
"You know how Wooseok always forces you to tell me how you feel?"
You nodded.
You didn't know if you nodded at his question or just nodded at the feelings overwhelming you, from all the romantic things you're seeing right now.
"I really wish you're going to tell me," he still has a goofy smile plastered on his face, but you were not able to see that until he got your attention in the most unexpectable way, "but, I'll do it for you then. I love you, y/n."
That's when you snapped your head at his direction. You stared at him, a hand on your mouth and eyes wide open. The window that you always open to get into your balcony is romanticizing the scenario even more with the sun setting, and the man you were always looking at is now looking at you, and you only.
Telling you that he loves you.
But you were confused, what about Minah?
"B-but, Minah?" You asked with a very soft voice, almost like a whisper.
Bringing both of his brows together, he asked for your hand and brought you in the middle of the room to where he was, "Minah who?"
"The woman at our room, you know, you were staring at her."
When you showed jealousy in your face, he laughed, wholeheartedly. You waited for him to stop laughing and almost smacked him once again to make him stop, but the moment he flashed you the sweetest smile you ever saw from him that only you can see, you felt the world stop.
With your hand on his, he pecked on the back of it and looked at your eyes before telling you the truth, "that's Shinwon's girlfriend, although, don't tell him I told you. I just saw them that day kissing in the locker room and he asked me to keep quiet to Wooseok and you, but you know me-" instead of listening to the whole story, which really didn't bother you anymore at this moment, you shut him up.
With a kiss,
That really took him by a surprise.
"Shut up, Hyunggu. I love you too."
Bringing his hands on your waist, he brought his face near you once again and closed his eyes.
"I know," and kissed you, much longer than the former one.
You smiled in the kiss, bringing yourself to melt onto his sweet kisses and warm hugs. You wrapped your arms on his neck and snuggled on to his frame a little bit deeper.
You never thought that this day would come and suddenly, all of your plans vanished. All of them, including your plan to move on and forget about your feelings for him.
Because this certain connection between your lips and his, made sure to tell you that even if waiting for 2 years was a really long journey, it will always be worth it with the right person.
But what you didn't know was that Wooseok did see Hyunggu in your living room when he walked you home, and when you bid him goodbye and thanks for the ice cream, he knew, he just lost you.
He watched, from afar, until he could no longer see your house.
And when he wasn't able to anymore, he broke down and dialed Shinwon's number, "hyung, they're now together."
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neverknewgrey2016 · 5 years ago
Pentagon: The Black Hall Trailer
Warnings: insane asylum au (think more like ahs but tamer), mentions of murder, stalking, abuse, and mental illnesses.
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pocket-scenarios · 5 years ago
Just - Hongseok
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(Admin: Sxng)
“I’m just going to say what I want to, okay?” Hongseok says sightly shakily, you not waiting for him to continue, “I like you, go on a date with me,” he rushes.
Your eyes widen at the suddenness of his confession a smile finding its way onto your features. You hum nodding your head.
“Yes, I would love that,” you expect, “text me, we can find out when’s best,” you laugh.
Hongseok hums nodding his head turning his phone in his hand: “Do you want me to walk you to your apartment?” 
He gestures down the street in the direction of your building. You hum starting to walk him following along beside you. The two of you talk mindlessly amongst yourself about lectures and things that have happened in your lessons.
“Where do you want to go, on a date?” Hongseok mutters softly, you hum pondering the question.
“An at-home movie date could be fun,” you suggest, “I like the idea of just sitting under blankets, watching movies, eating whatever we decide to order,” you laugh, “I don’t want to do anything that’s too much like a drama,” you attempt to explain.
“What do you mean?” He asks stopping to turn towards you.
“You know, dramas always have those fancy extravagant date scenes, my friends always talk about how they want to go on dates like those,” you pause, “some of them are nice though, like I wouldn’t mind just going on a walk through a park and eating lunch, if I’m with you, it’ll be fun,” you trail off your voice getting softer, starting to walk again.
Hongseok lets out a laugh taking quick steps to catch up to you.
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jinkoh · 1 year ago
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[ON HOLD] through the looking glass
this is where you'll find all the parts/routes of my alice in wonderland au once they are posted :)
the story has a gender-neutral reader, warnings and tags can be found on the posts itself
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character introduction
[yet to come]
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ptg masterlist
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pheonixwright · 6 years ago
So why are you so weak for Pentagon :
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